The themes that interest me the most are:

  1. A piece of moon dust from The Apollo 11 mission 1969
  2. A piece of thread from Alexander McQueen’s Plato’s Atlantis collection 2010

A piece of moon dust from The Apollo 11 mission 1969, July 21 at 02:56 UTC
The first successful landing of humans on the moon, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins
2.15 hours on the surface, 21.36 hours on the moon.
Collected 21.5kg of lunar material.
Site Name: Tranquillity Base
Apollo Spaceship Name: Columbia**

“The Apollo spacecraft had three parts: a command module (CM)(Call Sign Snowcone) with a cabin for the three astronauts, the only part that returned to Earth; a service module (SM), which supported the command module with propulsion, electrical power, oxygen, and water; and a lunar module (LM)(Call Sign Haystack) that had two stages—a descent stage for landing on the Moon and an ascent stage to place the astronauts back into lunar orbit.”

3 days travel in the command model to reach the moons surface

“one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.”

“Apollo 11 effectively ended the Space Race and fulfilled a national goal proposed in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy: “before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth.””

The Space race was fueled by the cold war, as the Russians launced Sputnik 1, proving their nuclear capabilitys